1. Fundamentals analysis

Before you start trading, analyze cryptocurrencies in terms of fundamentals. Look for projects with fundamental value and promising opportunities. Look at the team, technology, accreditations and partnerships.

2. Goal setting and risk management

Define your goals clearly. Do you want to trade short-term or invest long-term? Then prepare a risk management plan. Determine the risk ratio for each trade and avoid overinvesting.

3. Technical analysis

Use technical analysis to understand price movements and formal models. Use indicators such as RSI and MACD to make informed decisions.

4. Diversification

Own a variety of digital currencies. Don't rely on just one currency. Diversification reduces risk and increases profit opportunities.

5. Keep calm

In times of extreme lows, stay calm and don't make emotional decisions. The digital market is volatile, and smart trading requires good emotional control.

Certainly, working in the crypto market requires constant learning and intelligent application of principles. Good luck on your journey in the world of cryptocurrencies! 🚀🌟