Cryptocurrencies have truly changed the way we view financial transactions and investments. But to understand all that, you have to learn lots of new things.

A word I've heard a lot that has left me perplexed is "Crypto Airdrop." But in fact, airdrops are an important part of the cryptocurrency world and can even bring unexpected rewards.

In this article, I will try to explain to you what cryptocurrency airdrops are, how they work, and why they are interesting in the crypto community.

What is a Crypto Airdrop?

A crypto airdrop is when the creators of a cryptocurrency distribute their tokens to wallet addresses for free.

Typically, these airdrops are used as a marketing strategy to raise awareness of a new cryptocurrency or to reward loyal customers. The tokens received can be a good addition to your crypto portfolio, as you can trade them or hold them as an investment.

Why do companies do Airdrops?

It might seem weird that companies are giving away potentially valuable tokens for free, right? Well, there are several reasons for this:

- Marketing: Airdrops are a great way to get people talking about a new cryptocurrency. People like free stuff, so it helps create buzz around the new token.


- Decentralization: In a decentralized network, power is distributed among different users. By distributing tokens on a large scale, companies can prevent too much power from being concentrated in one place and ensure that their cryptocurrency remains decentralized.


- Reward loyalty: Users who already hold a certain cryptocurrency can receive airdrops as a reward for their loyalty. This encourages them to hold on to their tokens, which can help reduce market volatility.

For us, the users, airdrops are a great opportunity to get tokens for free. They can then be kept, traded or even sold for profit, making airdrops a potential source of passive income.

In addition, airdrops allow us to discover new projects and become early adopters of promising cryptocurrencies.

Types d'Airdrops de Crypto

Understanding the different types of airdrops can help us spot the ones that interest us the most. In general, airdrops can be classified into four categories:

- Standard Airdrops: In these airdrops, tokens are distributed to users who hold a specific cryptocurrency. For example, if a new token is created on the Ethereum blockchain, the creators could decide to send tokens to all users who hold Ethereum (ETH) in their wallet.

- Airdrops for Holders: This type of airdrop is a reward for those who hold a certain cryptocurrency. Companies choose a particular cryptocurrency and everyone who holds it will receive an airdrop, regardless of the platform. This incentivizes users to hold on to their tokens, which can help maintain or even increase their value.

- Exclusive Airdrops: Some airdrops are reserved for a specific group of people. For example, token creators may choose to distribute tokens to their subscribers or community members. To be eligible for these airdrops, users often have to register or join a specific group or community.

- Bounty Airdrops: These airdrops reward users for completing specific tasks. This could range from sharing a post on social media to writing a blog post, inviting a friend or even fixing bugs in the project software. Once the task is completed, the user receives the tokens as a reward.

Each type of airdrop has its own rules and eligibility criteria, so it is essential to read and understand the details of an airdrop before participating.

How Do Crypto Airdrops Work?

The process may vary depending on the company and type of airdrop. But in general, it goes like this:

1. Announcement: Companies usually announce airdrops on their social media or via email newsletters.

2. User Action: Depending on the type of airdrop, users may need to perform certain actions. For example, for holder airdrops, you must have the required cryptocurrency in your wallet. For standard airdrops, you may have to fill out a form or subscribe to a newsletter.

3. Distribution: After the airdrop, the tokens are automatically deposited into the wallets of eligible users.

Some successful examples of airdrops in 2024


Jupiter, which is a trading platform on the Solana blockchain, completed an impressive airdrop of its JUP tokens. With this, their user base grew significantly and their token became one of the most popular in the crypto market in 2024. Users could receive these tokens by simply using their platform for crypto trading.

Saga Protocol

Saga Protocol, which specializes in blockchain-based video games, distributed SAGA tokens to those who participated in games on their test network. This type of airdrop made it possible to attract a lot of players and create a strong community around their project even before the official launch.


LayerZero, a solution for connecting different blockchains, distributed tokens to users who were actively involved in their ecosystem, such as those providing liquidity or participating in decentralized communities. This initiative allowed LayerZero to create buzz around their project and strengthen their network of participants.

There you go, I hope this explanation helps you better understand what cryptocurrency airdrops are and how you can benefit from them!
