【100u low leverage trading diary】 2024.06.18

#热门话题 #BTC #币安用户数突破2亿 #unfi

Today's funds: 136u

The short orders I placed in the past few days have been hit by the break-even line every day. Generally, my habit is to set the break-even line after a single profit of 3%. The short orders I placed recently cater to the general trend, but they are frequently swept out.

I have been shorting unfi coins in the past, and two consecutive orders were swept out, which made me realize that this commodity is relatively strong. Generally, mainstream coins do not follow the decline, which is quite strange. I left the market later and did not try to short it again.

Then I opened a small short order of ton coins, and the single decline is more than 10%. In the future, I will have the opportunity to add a position or exit at the right time depending on the trend.

100u doubled diary, absolutely true. Don't play with high leverage, below 3x leverage, we want to prove that low leverage can also turn around! ! ! I will publish the balance and transaction records every day. If the loss reaches 30u, it will end.

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