$BTC Let’s say goodbye to the Longs!)

Every day we are breaking through the bottom of BTC, and we are confidently going to 60,000, I think a week and we will break through 60k. There are almost no outflows and almost no inflows for ETFs. Major players are leaving Altcoins en masse, and miracle lovers are actively buying them back. As soon as we break through 60k, it is likely that we will quickly fall to 50k, and then upward from there, if the economic situation in the United States is favorable. Everyone who says that Bitcoin is ready to go to 80k wants to play in a casino where they clearly will not win. And now I advise everyone to carefully watch the American indices and the events that happen in the USA and somehow affect the economy. After adding BTC to the ETF, all alt is now strictly following the economic situation in the USA :) all the best :)