Pin insertion:

1. Pin upwards, fly downwards;

2. Pin downwards, fly upwards;

3. The bottom has a huge volume, and the market will rise sharply in the future;

4. The top has a huge volume, and the market will fall sharply in the future;

5. A positive pin insertion upwards will fall sharply;

6. A negative pin insertion downwards will rise sharply;

Analyze one by one:

1. Pin upwards and fly downwards; The big investors in the bottom range are targeted by the dealers, who suppress the market and wash the retail investors. During the period of washing and absorbing the market, the dealers get as many bottom chips as possible, and lock the market with abnormal movements to prevent retail investors from grabbing chips at the bottom, and wash as clean as possible; Institutional contracts are more commonly used to clean up all the shorts and longs with heavy leverage, especially suppress the sentiment and confidence of the longs, stop loss and leave, strengthen the strength of the shorts, and then explode all at once. The top is simple, luring more to strangle

2. Plug in and fly up, often appearing in the last drop, squeezing out the remaining longs, causing greater panic, sweeping all the bloody chips and starting to take off unimpeded; the contract explodes the last wave of hesitant and panicked longs, and then only the fuel of the shorts is left to push all the way

3. The bottom and top areas belong to the basic skills of the currency circle. No matter whether the bottom is red or green K-line, once there is a huge volume, unless the currency dies and returns to zero, the market maker will give up the high probability of taking off in the future

4. The top has a huge volume, the dog dealer ships, ships, and the leeks take over

5. Once the stock price rises to the top, the dealer uses the good news to ship

6. Once the stock price falls to the bottom, the dealer uses the bad news to absorb chips
