
A must-read for newbies in the cryptocurrency circle: Revealing the hunting behavior of whales! 🐋

In the cryptocurrency circle, there is a group of big names called "whales", who are the giants in the market! These whales, with their huge assets, often stir up waves in the market, as if they are hunting and looking for the best time to fill their "money bags". So, how do whales affect the market? Today, let's reveal it!

Price trampoline: Whales are like trampoline masters with super powers. They make market prices jump up and down like a trampoline by buying or selling in large quantities. In this way, small investors may blindly follow the trend because of panic, and they may be dizzy if they are not careful.

Adventure of pulling up and selling: Whales sometimes play the adventure game of "pulling up and selling". They first buy a large amount of a certain cryptocurrency and blow up the price like a balloon. When small investors follow suit, they suddenly sell their assets, just like a balloon being punctured, and the price plummets instantly, catching small investors off guard.

False transactions and wash wars: Whales are also good at playing "false transactions" and "wash wars". They pretend to buy and sell a large number of assets to create a false prosperity or panic in the market. Like magicians, they make the market look more active or deserted through clever operations, thereby misleading small investors to make wrong decisions.

Preemptive runners: Some whales are "preemptive runners". They use advanced trading algorithms and faster trading speeds to know in advance that large transactions are about to occur, and then quickly place orders to preempt. Like preemptors in a race, they can always reach the finish line one step ahead of others and make huge profits.

Accumulation and distribution: Whales are also good at the "accumulation and distribution" strategy. They quietly accumulate a certain cryptocurrency in the market, just like a hunter slowly approaching prey. When the price is right, they suddenly sell their assets, just like a hunter suddenly attacks, catching small investors off guard.

Again, at this stage, we are planning some good currencies. If you are interested and want to witness the strength, you can leave a comment of 888 and you can join the team for free!

I won’t let my fans miss out on this bull market! This is the truth