Bitcoin is approaching the 120-day bull-bear line. The long-short confrontation has entered a white-hot stage. In the past ten years, every time Bitcoin rises above the 120-day line, it will always usher in a bull market. Conversely, when it falls below the 120-day line, it will always plummet and weaken, so many people call the 120-day line the bull-bear line.


For example, in 2021, Bitcoin fell below the bull-bear line, and then plummeted all the way, entering a two-year bear market, with most spot prices plummeting by 95%. It was not until the beginning of 2023 that BTC broke through the bull-bear line with a large volume, and the bear market came to an abrupt end. It is worth noting that since 2023, every time Bitcoin fell to the vicinity of the 120-day line, it would always quickly pull back.


Bitcoin is approaching the bull-bear line of $65,000 again, and it has become a key long-short window. I think it is better to stay still at this time, waiting for the mainstream to confirm the bottom before considering intervention. If you intervene easily, you will only be liquidated! In the past 24 hours, a total of 197.914 positions were liquidated, with a liquidation amount of $489 million. Are you one of them?


With the recent pullback of Bitcoin, many people have begun to doubt whether the bull market is still there?

The bull market has always been there, but the 618 mid-year sale in the cryptocurrency circle has really been a strong wash. Now it is! The leading mainstream coins have been greatly reduced in price! When everyone thinks that there is no chance in the cryptocurrency circle. Then this is the opportunity. You just need to seize it. In the past, you thought you couldn't afford Bitcoin, BNB, ETH, and various sector leaders, MEME coin sectors, etc., today I have helped you to lower the prices!


The price of each product is reduced by at least 20%! We don’t make a penny from our family members, just to provide benefits for everyone in the middle of the year! Don’t miss it if you pass by. If you miss it, you will have to wait at least another year! When everyone thinks that there is no chance in the cryptocurrency circle, in fact, if you seize this opportunity at that time, you will become rich overnight? Do you understand?

In addition, the Ethereum ETF will be listed in the second half of the year, the US presidential election and the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates. Even if the data this year is bad, the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates at least once. Looking back at previous bull markets, no bull market ended before the interest rate cut. Generally, it is after the interest rate cut that the bull market is pushed to a climax and ends perfectly.

Only use strength to speak, and use value to reflect! We will help you control the position accurately and grasp the profit. When the market is good, you can make money no matter how you play, but you must know that the market will not always be good! ! ! When to buy and when to sell in the market is important. If you want to get higher returns, the choice is yours, and choice is greater than hard work!

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