Recently, U.S. stocks have frequently reached new highs, and funds are chasing AI stocks, but cryptocurrencies have fallen in the opposite direction. Bitwise, the publisher of Bitcoin spot ETFs, recently released a report on cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence (AI), pointing out that the intersection between artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency will be greater than people think, and there are many practical applications that can Let blockchain technology help the growth of AI.

(U.S. stocks frequently hit new highs! Funds are chasing AI stocks, and cryptocurrencies have lost their charm)

Bitcoin miners turn to AI

Many Bitcoin mining companies have already jumped on the AI ​​craze! The race for AI supremacy is causing unprecedented shortages of data centers, AI chips, and power supplies. The world's four largest cloud companies (Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft) are expected to spend nearly $200 billion on data center expansion in 2025, mainly to meet the growing demand for artificial intelligence. But new facilities are filling up quickly: About 83% of data center capacity under construction has been leased in advance, driven by artificial intelligence companies and cloud service providers, according to a March report from commercial real estate firm CBRE Group . Data centers cannot keep up with the boom in artificial intelligence.

Bitcoin miners have been processing and storing large amounts of data before. They have the resources that AI companies desperately need—powerful chips, state-of-the-art cooling systems, and supporting infrastructure.

Artificial intelligence cloud provider CoreWeave has offered to acquire Bitcoin miner Core Scientific for $1.6 billion, a 55% premium to its market price. The proposal comes the same week that Core Scientific announced its largest miner-AI partnership to date: a $3.5 billion deal to host CoreWeave's AI-related work at its data centers over the next 12 years. Serve.

Other miners such as Hut 8, Iris Energy and BitDeer have announced similar AI hosting plans in recent months.

(Bit Deer turns losses into profits, focusing on AI cloud services and self-owned mining equipment)

Use blockchain technology to prevent the abuse of AI

Crypto-enabled public blockchains are available to anyone and are not controlled by a central entity. Already, entrepreneurs are harnessing the technology to address the worst potential abuses of artificial intelligence.

For example, startup Attestiv creates "digital fingerprints" for videos based on metadata, such as the time and place of recording. It then stores that fingerprint on the public blockchain. Any platform where the video is viewed can check the video against the original fingerprint and let the viewer know that the video has been tampered with. In theory, we could use similar methods to verify original research and even official government communications, which is why many experts believe blockchain can play a key role in providing checks and balances in artificial intelligence.

Cryptocurrencies combined with AI assistants perform more functions

Another area where cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence may intersect is in the field of virtual assistants. AI assistants like Apple's Siri or Amazon's Alexa can help people buy flights or make restaurant reservations, and advances in AI are making these tools more ubiquitous.

However, issues of privacy and trust are still involved from reservation to payment. Perhaps pairing artificial intelligence assistants with smart contracts and digital native currencies such as Bitcoin or stable coins can help AI assistants perform more functions.

This article Cryptocurrency + AI, how to use blockchain technology to get on the AI ​​train? First appeared in Chain News ABMedia.