$ZK I saw a lot of people criticizing today

I want to say a few words

In fact, the trend of ZK is expected

Just like the previous OP \ ARB \ STRK after it went online

The more hope you have, the greater the disappointment

L2 is useless

It is said to reduce Ethereum GAS, but it is actually a side chain

The problem is that most people will not go to the side chain

Because the Ethereum ecosystem is on the main chain, your side chain has low fees and is useless

If the cross-chain transfer is more expensive than the main chain

That is, it can be cheaper to withdraw from the exchange, and the chain will explode directly, which is troublesome

Add to the recent market, the trend of ZK going online is not surprising

If ZK can pull up for a day in such a market, then it will definitely be praised in various ways

Watch more and do less recently, the market is still going on, the future is bright, but the road is tortuous, let's cheer together

You don't have to speculate in coins to make money in the currency circle, and airdrops in the bull market are also a good opportunity for ordinary people to turn over.

MEME is the most popular player in this bull market. Now PEPE's upgraded version PUNKE is here.

PUNKE is a degenerate gambler with anger problems on the Ethereum network. Its wish is to ascend to the throne of Inmocoin.

Now you can go to the event address to claim an airdrop once a day, and there are extra rewards for inviting friends.

How to claim Open punkedrop.xyz in the browser

To get airdrops, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get big money, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, you can exchange time for space. If you don't have time, you can directly pre-sell coins at the lowest price.

Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards!

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