At 12:47 on June 18, 2024, pay attention to the current real-time market of Bitcoin. From the perspective of the large cycle level, the daily level is on the short side, the weekly level is just about to break, and the daily and monthly levels are on the long side. Currently pay attention to the 4-hour cycle. If the rebound does not break, we will still stick to the short position near 66120.3, focusing on the position of 66120. If it stands firmly at this position of 66120, the market will continue to rebound. The target position of the rebound will first look at the high position 4 hours ago, 67079. If the rebound does not break, we will pay attention to its short position. The short position of the market at this position needs to go through some shocks and downwards. If it falls below. The position of 65419 temporarily enters a shock downward trend, and there will not necessarily be a large short position. #币安合约锦标赛 #AirdropGuide #币安上线ZK #LayerZero $BTC