America firmly holds the position of No. 1 power in the world, its ambition to de-dollarize has been 'dumped with cold water'.

While there are many calls to diversify to escape dependence on the USD, the US is the destination for 1/3 of all cross-border investments. According to the IMF, America's share in global capital flows has increased, not decreased. From 18% before the epidemic, the US has increased to more than 30%.

Parties wanting to overthrow the dominance of the USD face a huge obstacle: US interest rates have pushed to their highest level in decades, making it impossible for foreign investors to deny the appeal of the USD. Under Joe Biden, clean energy and semiconductor development initiatives help the world's No. 1 economy attract completely new FDI investment capital flows worth billions of dollars.

Global capital flows completely reversed. If before the pandemic, the destination was emerging markets (in which China grew rapidly), then currently, America's geopolitical rival has seen its capital flow drop by half.

The story will change again. Trump pledged to reverse key elements of Joe Bien's economic policies, while the Fed signaled it would begin lowering interest rates later this year. If these plans come true, the advantage of the US and the USD will no longer exist.

Some experts warn that the US cannot avoid the "fiscal cliff", a serious budget deficit and that the US Government will have to act immediately or else it will fall into crisis. This also affects the "safe haven" reputation that US Treasury Bonds have long possessed.