The price keeps falling, and the rebound of the big cake to 66200 continues!

Good morning, this wave of big cake is really a dog. It went up in the second half of last night, and then went down in the morning. Both the long and short positions were severely cut back and forth. The dog dealer is really a dog. . . It went from 65100 to 67200, and then from 67200 to 64500. The action is fast and the fluctuation is large. The sickle is really fast. People on the shore only know how wide and long the water is, and only those who are soaked in the water know how deep and cold the water is. There are fewer traffic accidents on the streets, not because the driving level has improved, but because the poor driving level has been eliminated. The automatic screening mechanism allows the market to operate well. The rise and fall of prices are just appearances. There are both long and short parties behind them. Only they know how cold and deep the "water" is.

The price of the cake is now at 65400. The Bollinger Bands at the daily K-level are open, and the price pierces the lower rail support. The daily K-level closes with a small negative line with a lower shadow. The green kinetic energy column of MACD continues to increase in volume. The three lines of KDJ turn downward and run. At present, the bears are still in control of the situation. The short-term 4-hour Bollinger Bands open, and the price falls below the lower Bollinger rail support. The overall trend of the moving average system is weak. The fast and slow lines of the MACD indicator are glued together below the zero axis. After the KDJ dead cross, the three lines are glued downward. In summary, whether it is a big drop, an adjustment, or just a callback, in short, in short, it is never the time to buy the bottom, because there is still room below, it has not fallen to the right place, and the short force has not been released. The upper pressure is 66200 and 66700, followed by 67200. The lower support is 64500, 64000 and 63500.

Strategy: Rebound 66200 and 66700 in batches, target 65000 to 64500 to 64000, defense 67500

The trend of the concubine is really weak, so it deviates from the influence of the big cake. It is too lazy to rebound and fluctuates downward all the way. The current price is 3430, and the daily K is suppressed by the middle track of Bollinger and moves downward. The Bollinger band is open, the MACD green kinetic energy column has not shrunk, and the KDJ has formed a dead cross with three lines. The 4-hour level price fell below the lower track support of Bollinger, and shorting is also the idea of ​​today. The upper pressure is 3470 and 3520, and the lower support is 3350 and 3300. The lowest in the morning has dropped to 3341, and the intraday rebound continues.

Strategy: Rebound to 3470 and 3520, target 3400 and 3350 and 3300, defense 3550$BTC $ETH