"Shocked! Bank executives colluded to launder 2.6 billion yuan, and virtual currency became a money laundering tool!"

💥 Heavy revelations!

Major case of bank executives: PANews reported on June 18 that according to Jiemian News, the Judgment Documents Network disclosed a shocking case. In August 2020, the bank's former party secretary Li M and president Li Xiao M, together with shareholders Duan Moutao and Zhou Moulong, used the excuse of resolving non-performing assets to fabricate asset management plans and embezzled bank funds of up to 2.6 billion yuan!

💸 Black gold is surging, cross-border money laundering: In September 2020, Zhou Moulong and Xiang Mou (handled in another case) and others conspired to illegally convert more than 1.8 billion yuan of the money into foreign currency and transferred it to the Hong Kong company account controlled by Duan Moutao. Then, they purchased virtual currency at a price higher than the market price through the virtual currency trading WeChat group, and then sold it through overseas virtual currency buyers to convert it into US dollars and remit it to the Hong Kong account.

🚨 Virtual currency becomes a tool for money laundering: The court determined that Chen knew that the funds were proceeds of crime, but still helped convert them into virtual currency and transfer them overseas, and his behavior constituted the crime of money laundering. In the end, the court sentenced Chen to 2 years and 3 months in prison for money laundering, and fined him 2 million yuan. The illegal proceeds were recovered according to law.

🔍 Case warning: This case reveals the potential risks of virtual currency in money laundering activities, and also reminds us to strengthen our vigilance and prevention against financial crimes. The high liquidity and anonymity of virtual currency make it a new tool for criminals to launder money.

📢 Continue to pay attention: Please continue to pay attention to the follow-up progress of this case, and we will bring you more detailed reports.

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