Let's talk a little more today. Everyone is more concerned about the current situation and whether there is still a bull market.

Yesterday's unreasonable decline was mainly due to the influx of more than 1,300 BTC at Binance after 5 pm!

During this period, BTC in Bian has been increasing slowly

Coinbase has not increased much, and there is still a slight outflow

Bian represents the older and older Biquan funds, and Coinbase represents Western institutional funds, so during this period, institutional funds have not actually withdrawn and are still deploying BTC!

But the old leeks are more desperate. After all, there are really not many people who are profitable in this bull market, so those who have BTC have sold a lot of BTC to prevent further losses!

From the perspective of ETH reserves, there have been a lot of outflows from exchanges recently.

Since the end of May, capital has been absorbing ETH.

ETH has been flowing out of exchanges in large quantities, which means that these big players should at least take ETH first.

The core reason for yesterday's decline is also the worry that the data released tonight will be negative!

At this time, we should not be washed away by the dog dealers. Even if the spot is severely trapped, we should be patient and hold it. After waiting for the rebound, according to the situation, those who are fully invested should still take out some funds to wait and see! We will talk about it in the group later!

The closer it is to the ETF approval time, ETH and its sectors will definitely rebound!

Don’t lose confidence!