#ETH $ETH ETH currency market in-depth analysis

Today's BTH currency market, from the 1-hour, 2-hour to 4-hour level chart, all show a clear bearish trend. The market focus is on the key long-short watershed at the 4-hour level, that is, near the price of 3544.44. This position will become the focus of today's long and short sides.

Downward trend analysis

If the short force continues to dominate, the BTH price will first test the three important support levels below: 3384.59, 3362.58 and 3349.84. Near these three price levels, the market may rebound in the short term or further explore.

Upward trend forecast

However, if the bull force can successfully counterattack, the market will first focus on the three important resistance levels above: 3560.65, 3586.14 and 3623.78. Near these price levels, the bulls will try to break through in order to lead the BTH price to rebound upward.

Short-term trading strategy

For short-term traders, it is crucial to keep a close eye on the market and capture the subtle changes in the power of long and short positions in real time. By accurately grasping the turning points of each wave of market conditions, you will be able to gain an advantageous position in this fierce currency market game.

Risk warning

Please note that the cryptocurrency market fluctuates violently and the risk is high. When participating in transactions, please be sure to carefully assess the risks, reasonably control the positions, and avoid blindly following the trend or over-trading.

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