There are two types of people who make money in the cryptocurrency circle by their own strength: (those who rely on luck will not be discussed because they are not representative)

One is to use the leverage of contracts, open high-multiple bets on the direction, continue to take if it is right, look for opportunities to increase positions, and stop losses if the direction is wrong. For example, Xhuang, Xzhai, and Xni use this method, and the success rate is less than one in ten thousand.

One is to do large-cycle and trend trading, which is also a test of human nature. Even the spot fluctuations of altcoins are large. Without a good enough mentality and pattern, you can't play. About 20% of people succeed in this method

As for the remaining 80%, they basically play with contracts randomly, or frequently trade in the short term, or do some other tricky operations, which become the source of profit for the first two types of people.