The garbage that is eating more and more ugly is breaking everyone's consensus and bottom line step by step. It is so blood-sucking.

In fact, each circle has its own pricing. The currency circle has been accustomed to the pricing of low circulation, high FDV and huge unlocking mode for a long time. That is, everyone is adapting to the high pricing of the currency circle in the previous consensus state. There are indeed few "cheap" things in the currency circle. I have always felt that if you stay in a certain circle, you must be familiar with the rules of this circle and substitute the thinking and cognition of this circle. It is difficult to make money by being smart and being sober when everyone is drunk.

Until these garbage that are eating more and more ugly step by step break everyone's consensus and bottom line, blood sucking can be sucked like this. It can be clearly felt that now the blood of the currency circle people is awakening, and they are really unwilling to take over these garbage. Why should they pay for the project parties? This is also a new consensus. New consensus often brings new pricing, which can overturn the old one. When all retail investors can't make money, even sickles will find ways to accelerate model iteration. New models and new narratives are the things that can bring the best money-making benefits.

I have always tried to stay optimistic about the industry I am in. Only when the industry is good can it be easier for individuals to make money. However, each round of the market will be different from the past. Maybe there is really no alt in this round of the market, and there is no money for alt. I hope to speed up the progress and start over.

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