Self-Directed Investors Make 80% of Bitcoin ETF Purchases Amid Growing Institutional Interest.

Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (#ETFs ) are rapidly gaining popularity, especially among people who manage their investments through online platforms. Samara Cohen, BlackRock's chief investment officer, noted that despite a slower-than-expected adoption rate, interest in Bitcoin ETFs is growing. This shift is seen as a significant development in the crypto investing landscape.

Although individual investors make up the majority of the Bitcoin ETF market, institutional interest has also begun to grow. According to the latest quarter 13-F reports, hedge funds and brokerage firms are starting to take positions in these financial instruments. However, the participation rate among registered investment advisors remains relatively low, revealing continued skepticism within the professional advisor community.

A CNBC survey revealed the main reasons why advisors are fully embracing #Bitcoin ETFs. The main concerns include Bitcoin's high volatility, relatively short operating history, and limited performance record. Advisers are also concerned about regulatory challenges and cryptocurrency's association with fraud and scandal.

The current trading price for iShares Bitcoin Trust (#IBIT ) is $37.30, reflecting a change of -1.58%. Cohen emphasized that this period is important for gathering fundamental data and risk analytics to better understand Bitcoin's role in investment portfolios. Advisors are fulfilling their obligation to monitor these trends closely and include them in their financial advice, she said.

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