The market value of $ZK is currently considered relatively reasonable, so it can be held. However, due to the influence of negative public opinion, its price cannot rise in the short term.

For $IO , it was recommended to short sell before. Now the price has fallen a lot, the hourly line is all red, and there is no sign of supporting the market. This is in line with the operating style of the market maker, but the method is more ruthless. It is not recommended to continue shorting $IO now, so as not to lose too much.

For market makers, if they don’t want to end the market too quickly, they may come out to support the market, and investors should remain calm. If the market maker has sold all the chips, the market may fall into an endless loop. Finally, an idea of ​​earning money by short selling was mentioned, but the specific operation was not detailed. #币安合约锦标赛 #meme板块关注热点 #币安用户数突破2亿 #币安上线ZK