Caught! Impersonating young women to defraud virtual currency from victims' accounts (from

Recently, the Shilla police successfully destroyed a "virtual currency investment" fraud den, arrested 8 criminal suspects, and seized 9 computers and more than 50 mobile phones used as tools for committing crimes.

In their daily work, the Shilla police found that many people in a community under their jurisdiction were engaged in telecommunications network fraud. They immediately launched an investigation and found that the gang was organized and planned, and the members had a clear division of labor. They pretended to be young women and used chat software to lure male netizens to recharge and complete tasks on the fake virtual currency platform they built, defrauding the virtual currency in the victim's account.

After interrogation, the 8 criminal suspects confessed to their illegal and criminal acts. At present, the case is under further investigation.

There is only one girl inside, and the guy behind the computer is taller than the older brother, maybe they are all rough guys~

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