👉 The $ZK Binance listing schedule will be delayed by 1 hour

15:00 -> 16:00

A few questions about $ZK's circulation supply

The mechanism that many projects implement: minting the entire total supply in advance and locking it in Smart Contract => problems arise about the treasury containing a lot of money, allocation, purpose of use...

Team ZKsync uses a new Capped Minters mechanism, only minting when needed and there is a limit for each minter (decided by DAO) => Currently minting 9b4 $ZK tokens (link explorer) (this number increases gradually when someone claims airdrop)

However, I think this 9b4 token is not completely circulated but is being pre-minted for ecosystem promotion programs.

Outside the market there will only be 17.5% tokens coming from airdrops (3b6 $ZK) and perhaps an additional 1-2% for liquidity on CEX and DEX exchanges

=> About 4 billion $ZK in circulation => Market cap $1b1 USD for top L2 at 0.28 (Bybit price).

This is just a personal guess, it will need confirmation from the ZKsync owner to be correct

#insight $ZK $BNB