How to make illegal income legal? That is what people often call "Q-washing"?

For example:

I give gifts to the female anchor every day, giving her hundreds of millions. In fact, she is my person, she has legal income, and her money is given by netizens. And the money was collected by the platform, and she actually got very little, and the platform was opened by me.

I was defrauded of hundreds of millions by overseas telecommunications, and I can't get it back. My money is gone, but the other party transferred the money I cheated to my overseas account.

I went to gamble on stones, spent hundreds of millions to buy a few stones, and didn't get any treasures. I lost hundreds of millions, but the stones were actually sold by me, and the money eventually returned to me. My money was from selling stones.

Why are rich people so rich and so easy to cheat? How can such a stupid person have so much money? Do you have the answer to this question now?

I made a movie, found a few crooked melons and jujubes to show off, each of them was paid hundreds of millions, and the box office was billions. Although no one watched it at all, I didn't make any money. The advantage is that the billions of stolen money I originally had can now be said to be earned from making movies, and I have legal income.

I opened an online store and live-streamed goods there. I don’t know how many people really bought them, but I sold 1 billion and made several hundred million. Although I didn’t make money, I lost money to gain publicity, but the several hundred million dirty money in my hands can be said to be earned from live-streaming goods.

Inflating performance and profits is not just for face and traffic, but more importantly, I need a legal name to provide the unknown income in my hands.

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