6.17-Market Analysis

BTC: Judging from the current daily trend structure, the overall trend is gradually forming an M-top shape. The double top of 72,000 suppresses the strength. The market has been beaten back when it touches this level. The recent trend has also formed a unilateral rhythm of shock and downward movement. On the 4-hour chart, there is an obvious downward oscillation rhythm. Although there is a rebound in the small cycle, the rebound is always insufficient, so it is enough to rebound under the trend structure and go short. During the day, the upper pressure is 67,000 and the lower support is 65,500.

ETH: The upper pressure during the day is 3650, and the lower support is 3420. #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 $BTC $ETH