[A new scam that must be seen in OTC U trading]

A new OTC scam, WeChat friends buy oil, the screenshot of Alipay transaction is normal, the payment is also normal, the money is received by U and transferred to the designated address, and the normal transaction process is over. As expected, an unexpected thing happened. A few hours later, the payer called and said that he had not received U and asked if U had been transferred? Then we found out that he was looking for an OTC acceptor to buy oil. He had traded with this acceptor before. Today, because he was in a hurry, he found this OTC acceptance to buy again. He transferred the money to the account given by the other party as required, but the other party said that he had not received U yet, and then said that he would refund him the next day. After seeing this, have you figured out the routine of this scammer?

Let's sort it out: For the first time, the scammer used different WeChat to create different circle of friends, and then used different WeChat to contact different people, and used the OTC acceptance's WeChat to contact customers. Because of the transaction, the customer will also lower his guard and pay as required. Use the WeChat account of a normal user to contact the seller. Because there are friends who have traded before, the seller will check the transaction flow normally and transfer the money to U after receiving it. Moreover, Alipay cannot receive the real name of the payee. Even if you see something different, the other party will say that I used my family to pay, and you will agree. In this way, if there is a problem, the scammer will cheat the oil away, and the victim will give the money to the oil seller. Even if the victim reports the hat uncle, he can only chase the funds but not the oil. Moreover, if the seller cannot provide effective evidence, he may lose both oil and money. Moreover, such routines basically have friends for a period of time or even have transactions. There is no problem with small amounts at the beginning, and then one day a large amount will be swept away.

[Preventive measures] The first choice for selling oil is to require the buyer to provide transaction flow and KYC, and then ask the buyer to pay in person. Use WeChat communication to verify WeChat real-name authentication (verify whether the name is consistent before transferring money). If you use Alipay, you must also verify whether it is paid by yourself. If it is a third-party payment, the safest thing is to refuse.

You must also find a reliable party for over-the-counter oil purchases and over-the-counter acceptance or guarantor, so that you can't get the oil after the money is paid. Also, the market price has standards, and you need to be careful if it is much higher or lower than the standard, because something must be wrong when it is abnormal. Also, whether you are a friend or not, or if a friend introduces you, you must follow the rules, because if there is a problem, the loss is yours, so don't be afraid of trouble or affecting the relationship.#USDT。