After the weekly double needle peaked, the negative line began to be collected. If the 67300 support becomes a suppression, the daily line of the big cake is still below 67300. The longer it lasts below this level, the greater the probability of downward movement in the later period. The support level below is at the 50% position of 64340. In terms of thinking, we should first operate high-altitude and low-multiple operations around the 65000 to 67000 area. Personal suggestions: 66800-67200, look at 65000, 65000 near the area, look at 66500, 3635-3670 area, look at 3530, first step back to 3480 to 3500 short-term, look at 3600#BTC走势预测 #BTC走勢分析 #etf以太坊 #ETH大涨