The decline is not over yet, Bitcoin rebounds to 66,800 high!

The market was flat on Saturday and weekend, so Xia Sen did not watch the market to share anything with everyone. The weekly K level of the big cake closed with a small lower shadow and a big negative line. The bulls were obviously suppressed, and the shorts are currently strong. On Friday, the big cake once dropped to the 65,000 line, and then stopped falling and rebounded. Now the price is at the 66,300 line. The daily K closed two small positive lines on Saturday and weekend. After such a series of big drops, it is normal to oscillate and repair on Saturday and weekend. The market must always be given time to breathe. Continue to think high and low during the day. It is not suitable to directly 66,300 now. Although the 65,000 line has been tested last week, 66,200 is a small support level, so the market is oscillating around here, low absorption, accumulation, and a small rebound are all normal things. What we have to do is to wait at the pressure level and wait for the rebound to give an entry opportunity!

The short-term 4-hour Bollinger Bands are closing and flattening, MACD lacks the momentum for continuous volume growth, and the three lines of KDJ are running downward after the death cross. Although there is a need for a rebound, the rebound will not be too strong in terms of the market. The upper pressure focuses on the 67,300 line. If it rebounds to 66,800, it can be lightly entered first, and 67,300 will be supplemented. The lower support focuses on the 65,700 line, followed by 65,000.

Strategy: Rebound to 66,800 and 67,300, target 66,000, 65,700 and 65,000, and defend 67,600

After hitting 3,980, the price fluctuated downward all the way. Although it has three consecutive positive days on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, it is currently under pressure to continue to retreat. From the daily K level, there is demand and space for a downward retreat within the day. At the short-term 4-hour level, it is currently under pressure at the Bollinger upper rail pressure of 3650. The MACD red kinetic energy column has failed to continue to increase in volume. KDJ has turned downward after the dead cross, and the kong head has taken the advantage. In terms of operation, the high kong is the main one. The rebound of 3620 and 3670 positions will participate in the kong. The support below focuses on 3500 and 3450.

Strategy: Rebound 3620 and 3670 kong, target 3550 and 3500, followed by 3450, and defend 3700

The above is only a personal opinion. The market moves and changes in real time. Everything is based on real-time guidance. Investment is risky and you need to be cautious when entering the market! #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 $BTC $ETH