According to ChainCatcher, as Ethereum is about to undergo the Pectra upgrade in early 2025, Liquid Collective and Obol released a new research report that revealed multiple risks associated with this upgrade. The report emphasizes the importance of client, operator, and cloud diversity, while also expressing concerns about the limited adoption of distributed validator technology (DVT).

Matt Leisinger, Chief Product Officer at Alluvial, said that addressing the risks associated with Ethereum staking and protocol-level penalties has become a top priority. The report specifically pointed out that potential bugs in mainstream clients could trigger severe slashing penalties and network instability. In terms of staking, operator diversity is critical to maintaining network health and preventing single points of failure.

Leisinger stressed that stakers and service providers must rigorously evaluate correlation, diversity, and risk mitigation measures to address potential risks. In addition, the report discusses cloud diversity, calling for widely distributed validators and cloud providers to improve system resilience. DVT technology is seen as an important means to reduce correlation risks and enhance validator resilience. For long-term resilience and institutional adoption, staking configurations should prioritize the diversity of node operators and validators.