The short article I posted yesterday aroused heated discussion among everyone. Thank you for your interest and I would like to reply to a few questions:

1/ Why do I still play in the currency circle?

I have now transformed from a simple investor to a practitioner. I found that what I am passionate about is not currency speculation, but web3. And I realized that no matter how you speculate in coins, you are still a leek, so why don’t you want to become a sickle?

2/ Are you worthy of being a big V?

I am not a big V, but I have experienced a lot, and I don’t want to complain about it. Can I still be considered a big V if I have only a thousand fans?

It’s just that I’ve experienced a lot, and I’ve seen a lot of people liquidate their positions, get scammed, have their families broken up, etc. So I feel responsible to tell everyone some unpleasant things. Some people will definitely disagree, but if one or two people figure it out, then I think this matter is meaningful.

There is an even more unpleasant saying, the one who really gets rich by speculating on currencies is only one in a million, and that one is definitely not you.

3/ Aren’t you also the kind of “teacher” who makes gimmicks?

I never bring orders, and I know that I am not at this level. What I can do is help everyone sort out mines from the perspective of an industry practitioner. I have always wanted readers to buy spot stocks since I started outputting content. Later, I realized that spot stocks also have problems. For example, I thought Luna was up to something, but Black Swan also suffered a huge loss. To illustrate a problem, in this circle, except for a few top tokens, everything else is a scam.

As for contracts, don't engage in them. You can't control the market. This is the lesson I learned from buying it with 400,000 yuan. That night I liquidated my position with 400,000 yuan. Many "teachers" like to post their awesome achievements. I am different. I will directly tell you my blood and tears, so that you will realize that people like me who look smart are not very smart, so you will be more You should be careful with your money. After all, no one’s money comes from strong winds.

By the way, I have also made crazy profits, but in the end I found that I still lost money. In this circle, it is very, very difficult to make money purely by speculating on currencies.

Finally, thank you for your attention and I hope everyone is in good health. #带你看看币安Launchpad #荣耀时刻 #YGG #BTC #ETH