Binance Megadrop Phase 2 Event: Analysis of Lista DAO Project to be Launched and Airdropped @lista_dao will be launched on Binance for the first time on June 20th and will issue airdrops

——Just completing the task is also a luxurious pork trotter meal, with an estimated yield of 25%. There are still 3 days left, so hurry up!

1. Introduction to Lista DAO

ListaDAO is a composite liquidity mortgage and decentralized stablecoin lending platform that runs on the BNB chain and aims to make DeFi easier to use.

ListaDAO was founded in 2022 and was formerly the Helio protocol. It is now focused on the LSD field. The name means "smart and ready" in Spanish, which is in line with its core vision of simplifying DeFi.

2. Team composition and financing

Team composition:

Founder and CEO Toru Watanabe

Co-founder and COO Terry Huang, formerly Binance Regional Manager and Chainnews Strategic Director, holds a Master's degree in Physics from Tamkang University.

Financing situation:

In August 2023, Binance Labs invested $10 million in Helio Protocol (predecessor of Lista) to support its becoming a major liquidity staking platform and expanding to other networks.

III. Product Features

Decentralization and Security: Provides a fully decentralized lending environment, users have full control over assets, and ensures the stability and security of the system through over-collateralization.

Flexibility and Efficiency: Users can freely choose the type and amount of collateral, simplify the lending process, and borrow and repay lisUSD at any time.

Low interest rates and diversified returns: attract user participation, improve capital utilization and overall returns.

Low-risk staking: By separating staking returns and liquidity, the financial risk of market fluctuations is reduced.

IV. Participation methods for this Megadrop:

1) BNB regular lock-up:

BNB regular product snapshot period: During this period, Binance will randomly take multiple snapshots of users' BNB regular product holdings every hour.

2) Web3 tasks

Web3 task period: Users need to complete Web3 tasks during this period.

Web3 Task: "Stake 0.01 BNB in ​​ListaDAO DApp"

V. Market value and expected rate of return

#ListaDAO The total circulation of tokens is 500 million, the initial circulation is about 230 million, Binance mined 100 million, Lista's valuation range is 400-600 million, the size of the second phase of Megadrop Lista token cake is about 40 million-60 million, and the expected return of this event is about 25%.