Today is the last day of phaverx Binance web3 wallet. There is an event to randomly draw 3 phaver up nfts. This nft is worth 1556matic. You can buy it. Holding it will add 50 credit points every day, which can help you reach L5 faster. If you have already minted it, you can do the task of Binance wallet again to re-mint and participate in the lottery, just in case you win.

(Inner monologue of the phaverx user: I won’t buy it, but it’s okay to draw it for free in case you win)

In addition, the official airdrop query website only requires your phaver username: (Binance’s 300 are directly sent to the wallet, so you don’t need to check it. This one is from the official app)

I can currently receive 2140 $SOCAIL, which is 7 times that of Binance.

If you don’t know how to get the official phaver, you can read the fool version at the end of the article