$1000SATS There is no absolute way to buy and sell digital currencies. You should decide which coin to buy based on your own situation, rather than buying blindly. If you want to reach dozens or hundreds of times in a short period of time, you can choose the primary market or contract. If you want to be a little more stable, choose the coins on the exchange. At least they have been screened for you, but the secondary market generally requires enough time and patience, otherwise you will also be a leek! Don’t study technology in the currency circle, as long as you have money. Several bosses around me only buy BTC, ETH, and BNB assets, and they have doubled countless times. Others never care about their own currency assets, nor do they study technology! So there are only two ways to get results in the currency circle: one is that you are rich enough to buy coins such as BTC, and the second is that you have enough time and patience#币安合约锦标赛