Hot! 🔥 Notcoin ($NOT) June 16, 2024.


Analysis of Notcoin Burning Mechanism:

Notcoin, an emerging cryptocurrency, has implemented a unique burn mechanism to promote the growth and value of $NOT coin.

This mechanism is based on the formula:

Number of coins burned = √(Total supply). Let's say the total initial supply of NOT is $1,000,000,000. According to the formula, the number of coins burned will be: √(1,000,000,000) = 31.62. If the total supply increases to $2,000,000,000, the number of coins burned will be: √(2,000,000,000) = 44.72. This shows that with a doubling of the total supply, the number of coins burned does not double but only increases by about 41%. This illustrates the strong deflationary effect due to this mechanism.


1. Supply Reduction: The rapid increase in the number of coins burned as the total supply increases gradually reduces the overall NOT supply.

2. Increase in value: The decrease in supply creates scarcity and increases the value of each NOT coin.

3. Sustainable growth: This mechanism encourages stable and sustainable growth for Notcoin.

Comments from Experts:

Michael Johnson from Stellar Crypto Financial Group commented: "Notcoin's burn mechanism is an important step forward in creating a stable and sustainable digital economic model."

Notcoin's burn mechanism has the potential to create scarcity and increase the value of $NOT. However, close monitoring of the market and investor reactions is necessary to verify the true effectiveness of this mechanism.