Regarding the follow-up instructions for the airdrop of #Phaver , brothers who have read the fool-proof tutorial I posted earlier should have more than 3,000 points now, and should have 5,000 points when the TGE is issued. After claiming Binance's web3 nft, you will be rewarded with 500 points every day. You only need to log in, and you don't need to sign in. The face nft also adds 10 credit points every day to help you keep L2. You only need to log in every day to claim 10 points. Note that phaver's 0 o'clock reset is UTC+4, and Beijing time is UTC+8. If you don't know the concept of time zone, just log in during the day every day, don't log in after 8 o'clock in the evening, and keep logging in every day for a month to reach L3. Every 1,000 points of L2 is 200 socail, every 1,000 points of L3 is 400 Socail, and Binance activities issue 300 Socail. The following picture shows my daily score increase: