Brothers, this is going to happen. Yesterday, Sun Ge posted a message saying: The big move that has been held back for a long time is coming. This scared the old friends in the circle.

Everyone knows that Sun Ge Yixiao's life and death is unpredictable. As a big shot in the currency circle, he came up with such a big move without any context. It's really a big deal. Is he going to crash the market or pull it up?

In addition, the liquidation of the founder of CRV in the past two days has dealt a heavy blow to the entire lending market. The copycat sector has plummeted, and the price of CRV has been halved in 24 hours.

This not only reminds people that when the CRV project was in crisis last year, Sun Ge decisively bought millions of dollars of CRV at a price of 0.4 dollars and locked it for half a year.

And now that it has fallen to around 0.29, everyone is guessing that Sun Ge was also harvested and could not stand the stimulation for a while and was ready to make a big wave to recover his profits.

Just when everyone was racking their brains and using their imagination to find the reason, Sun Ge himself posted a message to reveal the answer. It turned out that he invited Singaporean football goalkeeper Hassan Sanni to become the chief security officer of HTX.

Sun Ge is worthy of being the one who knows how to play with the traffic and popularity. The European Cup just started last night, attracting the attention of the whole world. Everyone just started to watch the game, but Sun Ge had already taken advantage of the popularity.

The European Cup kicked off at 3 a.m. last night, and related tokens also began to soar. PSG and other tokens have entered the list of rising tokens. However, Tangren would like to remind everyone that the risk of such short-term hot tokens is still very high. Everyone must be cautious when participating. There is only one principle: quit when you are ahead, and focus on a fast-running one.

Yesterday, the market was also affected by the negative news of the interest rate decision. The market fell again. The mainstream sector did not fall much, but the copycat sector was bleeding. The meme series and inscriptions fell by more than 10%.

I believe that many novices can’t sit still in such market conditions and are screaming in pain from the decline. The recent market conditions are a bit torturous. This is how the market is. 90% of the time it is in disorderly fluctuations and less than 10% of the time it is a half-trend.

Therefore, profits are made by ambushing, while losses are often caused by chasing highs and selling lows. If we are affected by the market's FOMO every time, we will be reluctant to leave when we make a profit, and unwilling to accept losses. We will not get on the train when the market goes up, and will be worried when the market goes down, then we are destined to have no chance of making a profit.

Many investors start to despair after a big drop in the market, but there is really no need to do so. The crypto industry really has great potential this year. First of all, there is the expectation of an interest rate cut, which has not yet arrived but is on the way. By then, with external liquidity injection, ETFs landing, the support of the general election, and policy opening, the prospects are still worth looking forward to.

However, Tangren believes that it is unrealistic to want to flourish like the last bull market, because the copycat sector is too fragmented and there are too many tracks. Each sector is attractive, and the degree of dispersion of funds will be far greater than before, so most of the copycats are unlikely to have the same trend and growth as meme.

Finally, back to the core, in the bull market, what to buy? How to buy? It is very important, but when to sell is more important. If you want to know more about the market interpretation and strategy, add a follow, find Tangren, and play in the crypto circle together.

Tangren’s interpretation of the market:

Big cake: The market is mainly volatile during the day, with extremely limited fluctuations, mainly in the range of 66000-66500. Generally, it is normal for the market to fluctuate less on weekends. The current market has not yet confirmed a reversal, and the market is still dominated by fluctuations. Continue to pay attention to the situation of stabilizing above 66000. The upper pressure level is 66700 and the support level is 65000.

Auntie: The rebound during the day was quite strong, with the highest point breaking through 3557. In the short term, it has moved out of the bottom range. The market is still expected to rebound. The upper pressure level is 3650 and the support level is 3450.

In terms of altcoins: during the day, the L2 sector led the gains. In the early morning, the community mentioned that SSV and ETHFI performed well today. The overall decline of the altcoin sector has been relatively large, but there is actually no lower limit for the decline of many targets. To buy at the bottom, you must choose strong sectors. MEME and Yitai Ecology are currently the sectors with better bottom-fishing and money-making effects, so you can continue to pay attention.

Tangren talks about strategy

Since short-term strategies are time-sensitive and the market changes rapidly, many strategies cannot be shared with everyone in a timely manner. Therefore, you can read the introduction on the homepage of the article to find Tangren and send a message to receive it.

Yesterday, ENS, which was the focus of the strategy group, entered the market at 20.6. Today, it was ranked on the OK soaring list, with the target of 24--28.

Today's strategy focuses on: inj and people. The goals will be announced in the strategy group. If you are interested, you can contact Tangren to receive them.

The essence of Tangren's trading strategy: the first step is to determine the trading cycle, the second step is to confirm the trading direction, and the third step is to formulate a trading plan. The plan must clearly state: where to enter, why to enter, how much to enter, how to exit, where to exit, and why to exit?

What should you do if you get the market right? What should you do if you get it wrong? If you don’t understand the market, don’t give yourself problems.

Each of my plans includes three predetermined results: exit with a stop loss, exit with a breakeven, and exit with a profit. Regardless of the result, I will review and summarize the gains of this plan after the plan is completed.

#欧洲杯开赛 #热门事件 #meme季节即将到来 #etf上线 #ETH大涨