How low is the marriage rate of those born after 1995? !

Today’s Didi driver is over 50, a local in Shanghai. His wife has retired and he will soon. He drives for five or six hours a day, earns some money for groceries, and adds some social security for himself.

The driver said his daughter is 30, graduated from a textile university (211), works in a giant shoe factory company, and has a good salary. I just asked her casually if her daughter is married?

"Get married! There are four girls in my university dormitory, and none of them got married! Now they have a good relationship. We go on holidays together. We spend a lot of money and have a lot of fun." (I heard that she seemed to be quite happy, so I envied her.

I asked: "Don't you urge her?"

The driver sighed: "Alas, when she was 25 or 26 years old, I urged her. Now I know that urging is useless. Forget it, now the situation is like this. I help passengers chat. Most of them either don't get married, and most of them don't raise children after getting married - they must negotiate before getting married."

I asked him: "Can you accept that your daughter doesn't raise children after getting married?"

"Oh, I can't laugh anymore when she wants to get married, and I don't expect children." #ZKsync空投争议 #欧洲杯开赛 $SOL