The next sector and currency to explode are among them!

1. AI wave in June

Driven by events such as the Apple Conference and NVIDIA Artificial Intelligence Summit,

June is the month of AI. The AI ​​sector in the currency circle, including RNDR, LPT, WLD, TAO and ARKM, are all popular and high-quality projects.

2. Ethereum ETF is still hot

The popularity of Ethereum ETF is still exploding, and the recent hype has heated up again. It is expected to pass at the end of June and start trading in early July! The strong projects in the Ethereum ecosystem are SSV, LDO, ETHFI, METIS and UNI.

3. The European Cup in June-a global sports feast

Sports coins and team player coins also have opportunities in the currency circle: Sports coins: popular currencies CHZ French team and German team related currencies British team (ENG) strong team MeMe European Cup theme MeMe: YURO and AIBART

In general, the investment risk on the chain is high, but the return is also high!

4. Inscription sector

The recent performance is very strong, and the foreign language sector ORDI has high popularity and attention. Coinbase has launched $ORDI futures, but spot has not yet been launched, which is also a good expectation! SATS and RATS also have certain performance, you can focus on #ZKsync空投争议 #欧洲杯开赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #币安合约锦标赛