Conclusion: Yes, but it depends on your own efforts.

In my opinion, the cryptocurrency or web3 field is a hot spot, just like the various opportunities and hot spots in the past 50 years.

In 1977, the college entrance examination was resumed, and many children from poor families were able to cross the social class barrier.

In the 1980s, township enterprises gave farmers their first opportunity to rise up and cross the social class barrier.

The dual-track arbitrage, buying at a low price within the plan and selling at a market price outside the plan, has enabled a large number of people to realize their original accumulation and go into business. The "market economy" of the 14th National Congress was written into the Party Constitution, triggering a boom in going into business. During the WTO bonus period, countless coal bosses became rich. The real estate market was crazy, and countless people were changed by the skyrocketing housing prices. The rise of the Internet has created a large number of Internet companies and millionaires. These are the outlets or opportunities for ordinary people that have appeared in turn in the past 50 years, but this does not mean that you can turn things around if you come in. You have missed so many opportunities, why can you definitely turn things around if you come to the cryptocurrency circle?

Many people remain poor for most of their lives, not because they don’t work hard, but because they are locked into a certain class by perfectionism and moral obsession.

The underlying logic behind this is: if you want to jump out of your comfort zone and have more opportunities, you must first accept your own imperfections. Only by making more mistakes can you see new horizons. Perfectionists are always timid and end up staying where they are.

Accepting imperfections, even being a bit ruffian, can help you break through class barriers. Some people may say that the ups and downs of the cryptocurrency world are too big, and the probability of being ripped off by the dealer is too high. I can tell you why the cryptocurrency world has such big ups and downs. The fundamental reason is that it is in its early stages, with many retail investors and few institutions.

The market value of the cryptocurrency market is less than one in nine million of the entire financial market. With such a small amount of funds, once a relatively large amount of funds enters or leaves the market, it will cause huge fluctuations.

So the cryptocurrency market is still a bonus market. Why do young Koreans speculate in cryptocurrency? Because their social class has been solidified, and an ordinary person can never afford a house by working for a lifetime. So they just lie down. They expect to get rich in the cryptocurrency market, but in fact, it is only possible to get rich in a new financial market like the cryptocurrency market.

It’s the same in China. It used to be very profitable to open a physical store. You could buy a house by setting up a street stall. Before 2015, people made money by doing e-commerce, and ordinary people did it. Physical brands generally looked down on them. Later, physical brands came in, and ordinary people had no chance anymore.

Now that Douyin e-commerce has emerged, celebrities have entered the scene. Do ordinary people without money have a chance? It cannot be said that they have no chance at all, but it is already very difficult for ordinary people to sell goods. At most, they can make tens of thousands of yuan, which is already a pretty good level. Most people don't have the opportunity to make big money.

But this year, Bitcoin ETF

It has been passed in the United States, which means that more funds and institutions will enter the market in the future. To be honest, this is not good news for ordinary people. Maybe 50 years later, the opportunity of Bitcoin will not belong to ordinary people like us, and it will become a game of big capital. But at least now, we can still dig our own wealth in it.

What I said is what I have experienced and what I know. I will not brag or talk about hundreds of millions of dollars. That is meaningless. I am just an ordinary person in my life. I got money in the cryptocurrency circle, so I am here to share these views. If you see me for the first time, you can read my previous articles.

It is common sense that only in the case of large fluctuations can the system be stable. Fluctuations are not a bad thing, but a normal phenomenon that enables things to develop stably in the long term.

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