1. Huawei World, a fraudulent Ponzi scheme that uses Huawei's name. How could a legitimate large company do such a mess? It is undoubtedly a scam, a trick of misattributing the wrong name to another. Don't be fooled, and stay away from it if you encounter it.

2. Juyou Fresh Fruit. You can’t make money without recruiting people. You can get 30 kilograms of fruit for 99 yuan. I don’t know what it is like. Anyway, you can’t make money without crazy pyramid selling.

3. Harry Castle, spend money to invest in renting so-called workers, one account can buy up to 50 workers, the upper limit of profit is 4%, and there is forced exit. I saw from the promotional picture that it reached 3.8% on the twentieth day, and it will take at least twenty days to wait for the forced exit of 4%. I don’t know if you can exit in advance. Anyway, it is a Ponzi scheme, there is nothing to study, and I heard that you can no longer withdraw money.

4. Huaxia Film and Television, they have run away and used tricks to require recharge to unblock the account, please do not recharge.

5. Special government bonds, stay away.

6. Stay away from Houde Shopping Mall.

7. Bull Market Partner

This is also a mutual aid project, but it has a layer of blockchain contract in it. No matter how it is packaged, it is essentially a mutual aid project and may run away soon, so stay away from it.

8. You can ask a shepherd to adopt the Tan sheep

The model is questionable. It is rampant in many places. It is claimed that the more you invest, the cheaper the adoption price and the higher the return. For example, it only costs 3,900 yuan to invest in one sheep, while 3,400 yuan can be used to adopt 12 sheep, and 1.36 million yuan can be used to adopt 480 sheep. The average prices are 3,900 yuan and 2,833 yuan respectively, with a difference of more than 1,000 yuan. After one year of adoption, you can get a return of 1,000 yuan. If you calculate the return on investment in 3 years based on 2,833 yuan, the average annual return is more than 30%. This 30% is still the most basic model. If the reinvestment model is used, the lamb will become a big lamb, and the return will double in the second year, and double again in the third year. This is a typical cloud farming fund project, everyone be careful!

9. 5g box

A short-lived plate. In fact, it follows the same routine as the Dasheng Jinpin and I Love Watching Short Dramas a few days ago. You never know when it will run away. Stay away!

10. Daisei Kinpin

A short-lived scam that I warned you about in a previous article seems to have run away recently. The general pattern of this scam is to invest in gold products and then return a certain amount of interest to you every day. Since the beginning of this year, the price of gold has continued to rise, and some scams have also begun to launch projects in the name of gold investment. Everyone, please be careful.

11. Rural Revitalization

This is a typical scam using the name of the country. They issued government bonds and sent investors a fake Rural Revitalization Bureau card. It made it look very realistic. Don't believe it. It's all fake.

12. Zero-carbon future

A U-invested project, a very straightforward Ponzi scheme, with a 7-day return of 5% and a 38-day daily interest of 3%. It looks like this is a short-lived project that will run away in about a month.

13. Mengfei House

Although the consumption rebate model can work for a long time, it will eventually collapse after the bubble grows big, not to mention that it may have to face government investigation. This project is probably in its late stage, so be careful.

14. Yijiaxuan

The gameplay of this project is the same as that of previous shopping malls such as Yiguoyunshang, Taixianggou, and Dayou Life, all of which have a seven-day cycle. These previous projects have also collapsed. Yijiaxuan is a ground-based project that targets the offline novice market, and its main member group is middle-aged novice women. According to the current structure and dynamic analysis of the project, the Yijiaxuan platform is currently in a shaky state and has entered the late stage. It is recommended to evacuate as soon as possible.

15. HB Coin

The confusing HB coin is actually a gambling platform. It is very popular now. Don’t be fooled by the illusion and stay away from it.