The current position of Bitcoin is 66,000.

There will be a small fluctuation when the US stock market opens every night.

Usually, this small fluctuation cannot break through the pressure and support.

The support level of the 4-hour line is 61,000 and the pressure level is 71,000.

These two positions will not be broken in a short time without major news.

The short-term fluctuation range is about 2,000 points.

Today, Bitcoin is sideways and Ethereum is rising.

The main reason is a piece of news.

ETF will be approved in the summer.

Many people enter the Ethereum market.

Observe OP, MATIC, PEPE....

For more news, follow me and read the introduction.

Recently, I have been sharing strategies in the market.

I believe that many fans have successfully eaten two short orders yesterday.

Continue to share strategies. If you want to follow the comments, deduct 9 to let me see you.

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