Scammers have been frequently using lately, and many of them are active on Telegram. Recently, I encountered a scam where a person named Lennimore contacted me, claiming that if I sent her $75, she would place a sports bet with a guaranteed 100% win rate, based on information from the dark web. Since I didn't have $75 at the time, I declined. Lennimore then asked how much I had, and when I said $29, she agreed to that amount. I found it suspicious that she would lower her request from $75 to $29, so I initially refused. However, after hearing numerous success stories, I agreed to send her $35 on the condition that I would only pay if I won.

A few hours later, she sent me screenshots claiming I had won $4,500, but said she would only transfer the winnings if I sent her $35 first. Despite my suggestion to receive 20% of the winnings first and then pay her $35, she refused. Eventually, I sent her the $35, but she claimed she never received it and refused to send me the promised winnings.

Lennimore, who can be found on Telegram, appears to take pleasure in making people suffer and lose money. Her behavior seems extremely sadistic and possibly indicative of mental instability. Although $35 might not be much to her, it meant a lot to me. Please be cautious and don't trust anyone with money transfers, especially if you come across this clown character Lennimore. May God punish her for her actions. I've also included her profile picture. Someone in the comments suggested it, and I thought it was good advice.
