#xtz In-depth analysis of XTZ currency market

First, we focus on the short-term trend of XTZ. In the 1-hour time frame, the bulls dominate, indicating that the probability of rising in the short term is relatively high. However, when we extend our vision to the 2/4 hour time level, the bears appear to be stronger, and the market may see a downward adjustment. This interweaving of long and short positions makes the current market particularly complicated.

For today's market focus, we pay special attention to the 4-hour level of the long and short watershed-0.822, a key position. This position will become an important reference for us to judge the market trend. If the price can successfully break through and stand above 0.822, the bulls will have a greater advantage and the market is expected to rise further.

In the downtrend, we need to pay close attention to the support level below. At present, the three positions of 0.814, 0.807 and 0.797 will be important support points for the market. If the price is supported and rebounds at these positions, the short pressure in the market will be alleviated to a certain extent.

In the uptrend, the pressure level is what we need to focus on. If the price can successfully break through the 0.832 pressure level, the market is expected to climb further to the two higher pressure levels of 0.848 and 0.855. Of course, all this requires us to closely monitor the market and capture every fluctuation in the market in a timely manner.

In short, in the current complex market, we need to maintain a high degree of vigilance and flexible strategies. Closely monitoring the market and responding to market fluctuations randomly will be the key to our foothold in the current market. #XTZ、每日智能策略 #XTZ—24小时交易策略 #欧洲杯开赛 #TopCoinsJune2024