Recently, UwU Lend has received shocking news.

They will issue a 5 million USD ETH bounty to the first user who can confirm and find the hacker.

This move has undoubtedly caused a stir in the industry. A 5 million USD ETH bounty, what a huge temptation!

As soon as the news was announced, it immediately attracted widespread attention and heated discussions.

After hearing this, many users were eager to take action and began to take action, trying to win the challenge of finding hackers and become the lucky one to get this huge bounty.

However, it is not easy to confirm and find this mysterious hacker. It requires a combination of wisdom, technology and luck.

Who will succeed first? Let us look forward to seeing who will win the bounty in the end.

In this process full of challenges and opportunities, we will also witness an exciting moment together

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