Five of us drank two bottles of Maozi in the evening, and we were a little drunk. We won’t talk about the market in the early morning. We are already calling people to prepare for the second show. I talked about it in the live broadcast at 8:30 pm, and I also talked about it in the deduction during the day today. If the big cake falls below 66,000, there will be a big short. Did you feel comfortable with this wave just now?

Teacher Zhang never hindsights, he only deduces the market. Next, brothers who hold Shanzhai should not look at the exchange, and brothers who hold big cake should not be afraid. Wait for me to command and then rush for a wave of big cake spot. If you are afraid, you will lose.

When you dream at night, imagine what it feels like to drive the steering wheel of a Ferrari with your left hand and touch the lace on the inner thigh of the co-pilot with your right hand$BTC #BTC走势预测