📢Good news! According to the official news of Odaily Planet Daily, Worldcoin recently announced that it will invest heavily in the Argentine market! 💰 As part of this investment, Worldcoin contributors plan to provide at least 50 qualified positions for developers, operations experts, software engineers, data analysts, etc., injecting new vitality into the blockchain industry! 🚀

Moreover, Worldcoin has even bigger moves! They expect to open 50 Worldcoin outlets, including two experience stores, in more than 10 cities across Argentina this summer. 🏪This is undoubtedly a large-scale promotion of blockchain technology and a major support for Bitcoin! 🎉

It seems that Worldcoin is full of confidence in the Argentine market and is optimistic about the prospects of Bitcoin! Let us look forward to Worldcoin's performance in Argentina and see if they can lead the new trend of the blockchain industry! 🌬️