! ! Major analysis!

! ! Major analysis!

! ! Major analysis!


The trend of the big cake market has been somewhat reversed recently.

First, when there is a unilateral gathering of power, it will be found that the upper resistance will be suppressed and the strength will be reduced and the closing line will fall back. Let's look at the recent market situation the night before yesterday. The upper increase was 70027 and failed to rise again. This is because the negative line fell back at the 23rd high point 70105 in the previous period, which affected the decline.

Second, the decline started quickly, and it failed to rise again after breaking the 70,000 mark; if it was a normal market trend, it would have touched the 70,000 position many times to test. However, the market did not;

Bitcoin's market tonight continued to pull back to see the increase, so you can't chase more. It's okay to wait for execution in the appropriate area.