Please read this if you hold io or have the idea of ​​holding io, it is very important!!! #IO

After reading this, you will understand why io first pulled up, then smashed, and then pulled up

The traders of this round of io are very smart, playing retail investors around. Since io went online, it has changed the usual pattern of new coins soaring or plummeting. Many airdrop holders basically sold at more than 3u, which is attributed to the impact of the market being stimulated by the interest rate meeting.

Since then, io has risen all the way to more than 6u. Many airdrop holders are trying to find a sword in the boat, thinking that if retail investors do not take over the new coins now, there will be a callback. However, they do not know that the circulation of io is very small, and retail investors have thrown away their chips early, so the dealer can pull up the market at will, and release the good news of io after the airdrop is almost exploded. Induce long troops to take over, and then another wave of callback to 4u long, long and short double kill, playing retail investors around

But the reason for the pull after the crash is also very simple, that is, this wave of speculation is far from over so soon, io's narrative and community consensus are very strong, with the basis of speculation, market makers will not give up this wave of cutting leeks

Follow-up: io's speculation will continue, after all, the circulation volume is not large, the market value is not high, and the unlocking will be unlocked next year. The operability is too high in the middle half of the year, and spot players can take it again

If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. During this period, Caishen is preparing to ambush several potential coins. Read the introduction of Zhuye, no threshold to get on board

#io项目 #TopCoinsJune2024