After going deep into the contract, this terminal illness is terrifying. It will make you unable to work hard to make money. If you can't make money, you will be even more short of money, and you will want to speculate in coins to make money, forming a vicious cycle. You will always go bankrupt, and eventually have no way to go, and your family will be broken up. Therefore, the contract is a killing weapon, and it is not an exaggeration. There are few contract gamblers who have a good end. It's just that they don't have the heart to

Post an article online to tell you. Contract gamblers, many people are at the end of the road, holding on, waiting for miracles, and hesitating.

The current market is very good. I know that many veterans can't help but open contracts to make big money. This is certain. The money from the contract comes quickly. If you are lucky, you can make thousands or tens of thousands a minute. Do you think anyone can bear it?

But be clear, if you make money, don't be like a gambler. The money you make is like the expiration date in your bank card. You can't withdraw it at any time. As long as you have this idea, you will never be able to suppress your thoughts. This kind of thing is not the same as repeating it again and again. Once you have this idea once, it will be difficult for you to control it.

Of course, there are many newcomers (including some old people) who don't know how to manage positions. You have to know the hot sectors recently and which currencies are worth ambushing. This not only requires your cognition, but also the premise that your information speed often cannot escape the ambush in advance and make a lot of money. At the beginning of getting on the bus, you also make money.

You make less money in the middle and drink soup at the end. Moreover, you have to bear the risk of being trapped. As long as you get on the bus, you will not escape this set of processes.