!!! Hahaha, new and old leeks!!!

Yesterday was glorious, all-in investment was like a hero!

Today I am back home in poverty, with a heavy heart on my electric donkey.

The old uncle sighed without saying a word, thinking alone on the small stool.

The cousin's wife brought ginger, revealing something unusual in embarrassment.

Bring your own bowl and taste the leftovers, it's hard to describe the taste of life in detail.

The red envelopes and coins made me feel cold, and the family's expectations became a bubble.

The construction site was sweating like rain while moving bricks, and the old uncle suggested helplessly.

The cousin asked with a smile if he was herding sheep, and his words were full of doubts.

The beer smelled on the banquet, but the delicacies were far away.

The prosperity of the city was like a dream, and the eyes of relatives were like knives.

All kinds of life are staged, and the three, six, and nine are clear in my heart.

In the dead of night, tears came in two lines, and life was hard to bear alone.

Face it bravely and don't give up, there is still hope for the future.

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