The Biden administration hopes for the enormous potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance public services, and is demonstrating what can be done with these tools.

On Thursday morning, the White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) hosted a summit on “AI expectations,” in which federal agencies demonstrated how AI can be used to provide more services for people.

Speaking at the conference, OSTP Director Dr. Arati Prabhakar emphasized that the development of AI in government will require cooperation from the private sector and academic institutions. Sharing the same opinion, Ms. Shalanda Young, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, commented that AI has great potential in improving customer service of government agencies, if deployed effectively.

Mo Early, leader of the high-impact service provider portfolio at OMB, also said AI can provide new opportunities to reshape government services, helping people feel secure and confident. believe that their data and privacy are protected.

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is using AI to create weather models faster and more accurately, thanks to its vast data archive. me. Meanwhile, Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), Mr. Sethuraman Panchanathan, proudly affirmed that today's AI achievements are the result of persistent investment and research over the past 50-60 years.

Education is also a field that is expected to have a strong transformation thanks to AI. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said that AI could cause great disruption in schools and universities, similar to the explosion of the internet. He emphasized that AI will soon be present in homes and classrooms, and we must prepare to meet this need.

Dr. Prabhakar said the Biden administration is showcasing the work already being done at several federal research and development agencies, and emphasizing the potential of AI to accelerate pharmaceutical research and approvals. approve new drugs in months instead of decades.

The White House sees the potential of AI to raise customer service standards across government, helping people access critical services when they are needed most, while calling for cooperation from regional experts. private, academic and research sectors to develop this technology.

Not just stopping at commitments, the Biden administration has been realizing the AI ​​vision with specific projects. According to Ms. Prabhakar, 12 federal research and development agencies are implementing AI application projects in many areas, from accelerating the research and approval process of new drugs, personalizing education to improving quality. amount of public services.

To ensure AI is applied responsibly and effectively, the Biden administration is committed to working closely with the private sector, academics and researchers. At the same time, ethical issues in AI are also given top priority, to prevent the risk of discrimination and ensure fairness in the process of deploying this technology.

In short, the White House is aiming to use AI to improve government services, with cooperation from many agencies and organizations. Implementing AI properly not only brings great benefits but also helps build people's trust and satisfaction.