#BTC I think that most already know about the sanctions on the Moscow Exchange. And the threats that hang over the Russian crypto community. But let's figure out what effect this can give in reality. Namely, the crypto industry. So let’s assume that exchanges, one by one, stop supporting Russian wallet addresses. And it seems like no and no, what difference does it make to us?! But there is one BUT! The number of Russians involved in the crypto industry is huge as a percentage of all players on crypto exchanges. This means that at the first information about sanctions, these people will simply start losing coins en masse and withdrawing them into fiat, followed by withdrawal to their bank cards, so as not to lose money. In essence, it will be a micro panic. What will such a drain of coins lead to? To a sharp drop in the exchange rate of coins, for the reason that they will be poured into the lower glass. Hamsters who have little knowledge of stock trading can also join this panic. And it could lead to serious exchange rate collapses. The creator of BTC had a good idea. So that he is not in politics. But as we see, she is increasingly getting into the crypt and trying to regulate it. But not for your safety, but for your profit!!!